
Boosting Building Efficiency

Welcome to R-Peak

Raising Building's Energy Efficiency

Check Out Our Pilot Program in New Hampshire

R-Peak displays energy data about buildings; showing trends, and performing comparisions. Our Pilot Program focuses on New Hampshire schools.

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Energy Star

Rate Your Building

This Government sponsored Web Site will allow you to measure you buildings performance.

Need Help with Energy Star?

Contact R-Peak

R-Peak can help get your building's data entered into Energy Star's Building Portfolio Database.

Already in Energy Star's Building Portfolio?

It is easy to join R-Peak!

R-Peak is listed as a Master Account within Energy Star's Building Portfolio. Just elect to share your data with R-Peak!

Home Energy Audits

R-Peak employees are BPI Certified

R-Peak is based in Amherst NH, and currently provides home energy audits in NH, MA, and southern Maine. Please send us an email to schedule an appointment.